Victoria University Secondary College was proud to hold the STEAM Fair on Wednesday 30th November to celebrate the incredible work created and developed by students from Year 7 to Year 12 in the Science, Technology, Art and Maths domains.
The event was an immense success with fantastic attendance by parents and guardians as well as students. The event involved:
- Music Performance by members of the Junior Band
- Art work displays from Year 7-12 students
- Media on screens from Year 12s
- STEM Student-designed investigations
- Cupcake decorations and food made by students from Food Tech.
Ms. Orford and I would like to thank the VUSC community for coming along and supporting the amazing work done by our students! Well done to all contributors for modelling our College values of Aspire to Achieve, Respect Ourselves and Others and Strengthen the Community.
Hung On, STEM Leader